My one forever constant.
Alternated between loving, hating, despising, adoring, cherishing, always something. Longing, lusting for you with a manic need. Manic love.
You, my planned tomorrow from an accidental yesterday.
My solace, keeping sadness at bay.....there was the constant, the crutch of you.
I depended on YOU...and in turn it enabled my independence. I needed no one. I had you.
Thirst to feel those somethings, those anything moments.Years of thirst led me to the you.
You were not you or maybe I am no longer the me I was with you.
Hopes dashed. I'm filled with nothing. What I thought, isn't. Even my crocodile tears believed what my very being so wanted. I lived on old memories but I didn't account for change. I just wasn't the same yet I didn't know, until I was staring at a stranger.
My one forever constant......
is just no more.